探索逼真的 VidAU 视频翻译工具

只需上传您的视频,剩下的就交给我们的人工智能处理吧。我们会自动将声音从背景噪音中分离出来,区分多个说话者,并将他们的语音转换成文本。无需再进行繁琐的手动工作,只需编辑对话、切换语言并轻松创作即可。我们支持最多 4 个或更多字符!
与传统的人工智能视频翻译工具不同,VidAU 的视频翻译工具可以模仿说话者的声音,在翻译过程中保留个人特征。在结合多种语言的翻译片段时,它还能流畅自然地连接起来,给人一种同一个人在说话的感觉。

不同语言的文字长度和发音可能各不相同,这往往会导致传统翻译中的口型动作不匹配。然而,VidAU 先进的人工智能翻译工具可以同步视频中的口型和发音,自动调整语速和视频长度,确保最终产品无缝且富有节奏感。
为什么选择 VidAU 视频翻译工具?

无需复杂设置,只需 3 个简单步骤即可完成视频翻译,因此任何人都可以轻松使用,无需专业技能

VidAU 完全理解并尊重用户对个人隐私和数据安全的关切。我们的视频翻译器在设计时考虑到了安全存储、传输和保密。

使用 VidAU 强大的人工智能工具翻译视频和字幕,可节省 90% 的多语言视频制作时间。
使用 AI 视频翻译器可以做什么?
如何使用 VidAU AI 翻译视频?




VidAU 的视频翻译功能改变了游戏规则!现在,我可以毫无语言障碍地欣赏来自世界各地创作者的内容。它为我打开了一个全新的娱乐世界。

Bryan Foster
作为 TikTok 的创作者,VidAU 的翻译工具帮助我接触到了更广泛的受众。我获得了以前从未接触过的人的观看和参与。这太神奇了!

Meghan Leonard
VidAU 的翻译功能非常适合我的业务。现在,我可以轻松地针对不同市场本地化我的营销视频,而无需破费。这是我扩大影响力的一种经济有效的方式。

Kevin Petersen
我喜欢用 VidAU 翻译游戏直播流。这样就更容易理解发生了什么,并与世界各地的其他玩家进行交流。这让我更喜欢游戏了。

Tricia Galvan
Q: What is AI Video Translation?
A: AI video translation is a technology that uses artificial intelligence to automatically translate the spoken language and on-screen text in a video into another language. This allows viewers who don’t understand the original language to access and enjoy the video’s content.
Q: How does VidAU’s AI Video Translation Tool work?
A: VidAU’s AI video translation tool utilizes advanced speech recognition and AI algorithms to process the audio and visual elements of videos. It transcribes spoken language, translates it into the desired target language, and then generates subtitles or dubbed audio on the original video, while adjusting the mouth shape of the characters in the picture based on the translated audio.
Q: Can I translate any video with VidAU?
A: Yes, you can use VidAU to translate various videos, including YouTube videos, TikTok videos, educational content, game live streams, movie clips, and marketing videos. As long as the video has clear audio and visual effects, VidAU’s AI can effectively process and translate it. It is worth noting that we support videos under 400 MB in size, and the length cannot exceed 6 minutes.
Q: How to achieve the best video translation quality?
A: For optimal results, ensure the video has high-quality audio with minimal background noise and clear pronunciation. Videos with well-lit scenes and legible on-screen text also contribute to better translation accuracy.
Q: Can I translate videos online for free?
A: Yes, VidAU offers a free trial that allows you to experience its video translation capabilities. You can explore the features and assess the translation quality before deciding on a subscription plan.
Q: Does VidAU Support Multiple Languages?
A: Yes, VidAU supports translation in up to 49+languages, allowing you to reach a global audience and break down language barriers. In order to ensure service quality, we have temporarily launched 49 languages, and we will launch more languages as soon as possible to help users reach more markets.
Q: Is it safe to use VidAU’s Video Translation Tool?
A: VidAU prioritizes user privacy and data security. Your uploaded videos are handled confidentially and are not used for any other purposes beyond translation.
Q: Can I customize the translation output?
A: VidAU offers customization options, allowing you to adjust the translation style, tone, and even specific terminology to match your preferences or brand voice.
Q: What is the maximum video length supported for translation? And why?
A: Currently, VidAU supports videos up to 2 minutes in length. This limitation is in place to balance processing speed and ensure optimal translation quality. For longer videos, consider splitting them into shorter segments for translation.
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